Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Trusting in My Lord, My Guide

People see me as someone who is bubbly, carefree and has strong personality. That is so true, but what a lot don’t know is that deep inside this strong girl lies a vulnerable self. Yes, I do get tired, crushed, frustrated, and offended. I am not immune to all of these things.

An event took place in my life that shook my faith in God. Some people whom I trust started to talk behind my back. When I found out about this, I became emotionally unstable. First thing I asked myself is what wrong could I have done for them to do this to me. Perhaps many are like that, seeming to find pleasure in talking about other people and forgetting that they may have already hurt someone in the process. Taking revenge also came across my mind, but I know better, I’m not that kind of person. It would only continue the cycle if I took revenge.

My faith saved me from doing something bad and from the desperate situation I found myself in. This is one of the hardest trials I have ever faced. It’s good that God blessed me with good friends who never left me during those times. These friends shared me their strength so I can move on with my life. My friends reminded me that I don’t have to please everyone, and to just do what is right. They also showed me that I have God who won’t leave me in the dark. During those times, my only prayer to Him was “Lord, please be my guide.” I repeatedly say this simple prayer before I went to sleep.

Now, I am not that affected by this issue anymore. But I admit that sometimes I still remember what happened and I can’t stop the pain from coming back. Whenever this happens, I just close my eyes and say that simple prayer “Lord, please be my guide.” I trust in Him and I believe things will heal over time.

Where do you put your trust in?

- Anonymous -


AskMeWhats said...

Definitely put your trust in the LORD and yourself. It will definitely shaken anyone for experiences like this. It is hurtful and all we can do is ask ourselves "what have we done wrong?" But you know what? It's never our problem that people talk behind our backs, as long as our conscience is clear and you live life according to the goodness of the LORD< you will be fine! :) hope things are well

- Stilettos to Sweets - said...

thanks! everything is ok now. its an old reflection actually from someone. i just thought it would be nice and inspiring to share it with our readers.

sab said...

this is inspiring. faith is sometimes the only thing a person can hold on too. :)

just curious... where do you go to church?

- Stilettos to Sweets - said...

st. peter church in paco. it is located beside st peter school. but i dont attend the mass regularly.